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Ma vie dans l'art !

" Mon parcours est une recherche constante de nouvelles façons de créer

et de donner plus de profondeur à mon travail "

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Miguel A. Martins, born in 1970 in Toury , France. With 7 years old he went live in Portugal.
In the late 80´s he started at Cerâmica do Douro in Arcozelo, Portugal, his art´s formation in ceramics.
He attended the University Moderna in the city of Porto, studying law, but he did not complete it as he found that it was not the path to follow.
Since a young age, with his cousin Avelino Nunes, a renowned Portuguese architect, he learned and developed his skills and techniques for drawing, painting and sculpture on a daily basis.
In 2012 he moved to Switzerland and currently he´s living in Penthalaz , in Vaud.
Self-taught, he specializes in the mixing of different techniques and materials in the creation of his art.
Digital art, painting and sculpture are the ways that Miguel uses to express himself and communicate his messages.
“My journey in art is a constant search for new ways of creating and giving more depth to my work. The expression in its simplicity with all its splendor”.
Until November 2023, Miguel was the permanent artist in an emblematic and heritage place in the city of Geneva, the restaurant at The Hotel de Ville de Genève, a highly frequented place for a national and international public.
Over the last few years, several public exhibitions have been held but Miguel, for several reasons, highlights two that left a deep impression on him, one at the Club Migros School in the city of Nyon and the other at Eva´s House in the Pathé cinema galleries in the city of Lausanne.
Miguel in recent years privileges private exhibitions, where Miguel is invited to exhibit solo for a private audience selected by the hosts.
Until 2025 some private and public exhibitions have been scheduled in Switzerland and abroad.

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Dès décembre 2023 artiste exposant chez USIA.CO.UK

United State of International Artists

USIA brand was founded in Lisbon, in 2009 by Francisco Lacerda.  The brand United State of International Artists works with artists, partners and teams from Europe, Americas, Middle East, Africa and Asia. USIA Modern. United State of International Artists.

Our talented team of artists has been pouring their creativity and expertise into every detail, ensuring that each piece not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

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Miguel Martins
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Artiste permanent du Restaurant de l'Hôtel de ville de Genève jusqu'à Novembre 2023.
Un immense et reconnaissant merci à Sylvia Glauser et à toute son équipe.

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22 et 23 juin 2024

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Dossier de presse


J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la première exposition publique à l'étranger de cette année 2024. Exposition collective intitulée "Catharsis".

Merci à United State of International Artists USIA / Modern pour l'invitation.

Art Wine Style

Estrada Vale Parra Edifício dos Vales 2, loja 4E, 8200-427 Guia, Algarve, Portugal

From 15 March - 15 July 2024, 5pm - 12pm. Opening

Catharsis poster .png


"Juste a moment"
Acrylique sur toile
50 x 50 cm
By: Miguel Martins

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Bonjour à tous.

Deux ans après avoir créé la dernière œuvre de la collection « Les Livres et moi », une collection composée de 15 œuvres réparties à travers le monde.

J'annonce que je vais commencer à créer 5 autres œuvres pour renforcer le sentiment et la considération du message à transmettre concernant la thèmatique des livres dans la société.


L'art qui vous interpelle

**Les œuvres publiées dans cette publication ont déjà été vendues
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Cartaz horizontal da expo em Eva s house Lausanne_edited.jpg
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Exposition individuel Restaurant Hôtel de Ville de Genève

Du 06 novembre au 31 décembre 2022

Sculptures murales
sur socle

Sculptures sur bois
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J'ai le plaisir d'avoir comme invitée l'artiste Mary Lucchino de l'Atelier de Mary
à la ville de Mathod

Du 6 août au 30 septembre 2022

Restaurant de l'Hôtel de ville de Genève
"Chez L'père Glôzu"

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Nous vous attendons avec grand plaisir !

Du 16 juillet au 02 septembre 2022

thumbnail_ExpositionEvasHouse - Cópia.jpg
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Lumière sur un mur en béton
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Formes abstraites
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Tissu froissé
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Fabrication de poteries

« L'expression et la simplicité dans toute sa splendeur »

Miguel A. Martins

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